Sunday, March 26, 2006


Patricia Russo, Daniela Everest, Christiane Pinto and others members of Brazilian Community.

On 11 March 2006, The Hollandse Club marked the Brazilian Ball, and the title makes reference to the fusion of Carnival and Football.

At an affordable rate of $15 for members of the Brazilian community and club members, and $25 for invited guests; the event reached its goals to join approximately 500 people.

The Brazilian company Perdigao, who has supported strongly Brazilian national events in the island, once again marked its presence by sponsoring the chicken snacks that had been praised by the guests.

The entertainment was provided by 3 talented live bands. The highlight was The Grove which featured a dear friend of ours, Ivete Atienza.
Other highlights included the raffle draw, the colourful costumes, contests to get guests involved and performances.


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