Friday, March 24, 2006

Editorial / God is Brazilian

The expression, 'God is Brazilian' is one of the most used phrases in my homeland.
More than just expressing our sense of humor, this popular phrase reflects a deep belief that we are truly a blessed country and we have more reason to be thankful than to complain. After all, we have an extended serpentine coast measuring up to 8.500 km with paradise beaches; we are preserved from contagious epidemics; from catastrophes and natural phenomenon such as earthquakes and hurricanes; we have wonderful weather; the land is fertile and we boast an optimistic population. This is an essential virtue to overcome the problems that faces a sub-developing country.
If God is not Brazilian, I believe he was generous enough to grant these privileges to the 180 million souls that live there. For whomsoever in us, due to certain circumstances in life, we had to leave our homeland and hence for the same circumstances we have distanced ourselves from our most deep sense of patriotism.
Being Brazilian gained a new meaning and commitment. We keep strong inside our own homes and families the habits, lifestyle and language as an essence of our culture. At the same time, exercising the muscle of our nationality, our sense of community and our love to Brazil.
Viva Brasil gave me the opportunity after several years to taint my heart in green – yellow. During the planning process I have caught myself many a time mesmerized by the breath-taking images of Brazil.
Simultaneously, I realized the enthusiasm of some virtually unknown people from the small Brazilian community determined to contribute to this magazine with articles and others sharing their experiences through hand written notes with tears in their eyes and lots of heart.Heart that I give to each one of you through the pages of this magazine.
Viva Brasil !


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