Friday, November 04, 2005

Beauty & Aesthetic

Dr. Marco Faria-Correa:
"Beauty is a Fundamental thing"
By Dania Roberta Acevedo

It was with an open smile, his prime landmark, and with his old fashion gentlemanly manners, Dr. Faria-Correa, received me in his recently opened consultancy clinic. The elegant decoration, adorned in French style, crystal chandeliers and marble table tops, does not doubt his good taste and perfectionism. The clinic alone is an excellent pictorial business card for someone whose prime material is the beauty in its full form of expression.

Although there was a lingering smell of a recent paint job and some visible final retouches in the installation, the ambience was cozy and it had the closest resemblance to a home.

We sat at the waiting area and began our informal conversation. I was pleasantly surprised to know the previous night when we were arranging our meeting appointment over the telephone, that from October he would officially be an autonomous surgeon in the medical practice of Singapore.

It was a long journey combined with intricate processes and trepidations that lasted 4 ½ years to be duly recognized and to obtain his permanent license in the island. Before entering in the specific aspects of his profession, Dr. Marco shared with me that he is 'gaucho' from Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul; married; Taurus; 51 years old and a proud father of two. His 17 year old daughter has promised to follow his vocational footsteps.

He is the inventor of the technological adaptation of video-surgery in the area of aesthetics. An owner of an impressive resume in which appears many achievements, conferences, demonstrative surgeries and hundreds of lectures around the world. Dr. Marco revealed that in the last 20 years, more than 15,000 patients have gone under his scalpel.

Here in Singapore , where he has been practicing since 1996, he counts on faithful clients who fly in from neighboring countries to place themselves under his meticulous medical care.

He commented that contrary to Brazil where there are over 5,000 practicing plastic surgeons – almost as synonymous as football, carnival and coffee, in Singapore however, only 31 known specialists practice in this field.

When asked the reason behind this huge phenomenon in Brazil, Dr. Marco explained that Brazil is a cult surrounding the culture of beauty. Another important aspect was the pioneering action of Dr. Pitanguy, an international icon, who opened ways and built the good reputation of the Brazilian plastic surgery practice.

His profile of clients are basically women (70%), he also added that there is a gradual increment in male clients (30%). They almost vary from ages 8 to 80. For the children, Dr. Marco predominantly carries out corrections of the ears – 'dwarf ears'. For clients aged 17 onwards, the most common procedure has been the nose job (increasing or reduction).

In Singapore, the most popular procedure among men and women has been the double eyelid surgery. In almost equal proportion, Singaporeans are turning to liposuction/liposculpture and breast implants/reduction. For women between 40 and 50 years, he is sought after for abdominal plastic surgery (tummy tuck). Talking about face lifts, he explained that early 2000 was a boom for the technique of filling (fillers) such as IPL, Botox and body contouring machines. Patients who have been previously disappointed by excessive investments in temporary effects are now opting for definitive surgery.

It is worth to make a non-obligatory appointment where a diagnosis and quotation is personalized for each case. We congratulate Dr. Marco Faria-Correa in his new venture bringing with him his talent and professionalism to Singapore promoting the pretty face of Brazil.


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