Editorial / And the Carnival arrives...
And the Carnival finally arrives... bringing with it the essence of thejoy, cadency and magic of our people. Suffered people, but happy bynature. People blessed by God and the "Orixas". People who believe that 4 days is enough to renew the energies and hopes for better days. Brazilianpeople. My people.
And Singapore, one far little dot in the map, thismonth also tinted itself with yellow and green.. Many Mardi Gras and some Carnival celebrations around the island.
And here, far away from ourauthentic Carnaval and everything it represents, ourselves - 416 revellers misguided – have our responsibility to transmit to Singaporeans its true meaning..
Even here we must feel proud of being Brazilian. Not just for the aroma of the Churrasco that has been proliferating lately in this island. Or, not just for the great favouritism to be the Sextuple Champion in the World Cup. But for everything else - and there are so many other things - that carried through Brazil in Singapore.
It is up to us, 416 Brazilian citizens, to keep our traditions and the spirit of our country alive. This is Our Brazil.
I hope that the following pages, and future editions, this magazine fulfil these expectations and make ourBrazilian presence to grow greater in the coming years ahead.
Viva Brasil !